Skye’s Legacy
The Importance of Belonging

Belonging 4 Ever: Creating Permanency for Youth in and from Care, The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (2010).
In Belonging 4 Ever, the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks described four dimensions of “permanency” for children and youth in care: relational, physical, cultural and legal. Skye’s Legacy acknowledged these four dimensions, but shifted the language from “permanency” to “belonging”, and added the dimension of identity belonging after consultation with youth and young adults with experience in the child welfare system.
This report emphasizes the need for youth to have a cultural identity and a sense of belonging in their placement. Specifically, it states that Indigenous youth may face challenges in the formation of their own identity in their placement due to a lack of connection to their own culture resulting in poor outcomes. The report cites research suggesting that youth in long-term placements do best when they have ongoing links and connections to their family as this helps to facilitate connectedness.
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