Skye’s Legacy
The Importance of Belonging

Skye’s Legacy: A focus on belonging
Summary: The life and death of Skye, a bright, young First Nations girl who “bubbled with energy” as a child, illustrates just how critical it is for children in government care to feel connected to family, culture and community, says an investigative report released today by British Columbia’s Representative for Children and Youth.

Building a Case for Child and Youth Belonging: Insights from the Children and Youth Planning Table of Waterloo Region, CYPT Waterloo (2021)
Waterloo’s Children and Youth Planning Table has created an invaluable resource on belonging that is relevant to any community or organization seeking to understand and foster young peoples’ sense of belonging and connection. “The central idea is that belonging is feeling positively about one’s place within a supportive, beneficial system that extends beyond our individual selves.

Native Wisdom on Belonging, Dr. Martin Brokenleg (1998)
Dr. Martin Brokenleg is a co-author of the book Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Our Hope for the Future and co-developer of the Circle of Courage model that had a profound influence on the RCY team that worked on Skye’s Legacy: A Focus on Belonging. His influence continued as a member of the Advisory Circle that reviewed Skye’s story and helped RCY make sense of the findings.

OneYouth, UNICEF Canada
UNICEF Canada has established the OneYouth website as a platform for raising awareness about child and youth well-being in Canada. In addition to describing and making available the child and youth well-being index the website has videos and blog posts by and with young people who speak to various aspects of their well-being…

Belonging 4 Ever: Creating Permanency for Youth in and from Care, The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (2010).
In Belonging 4 Ever, the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks described four dimensions of “permanency” for children and youth in care: relational, physical, cultural and legal. Skye’s Legacy acknowledged these four dimensions, but shifted the language from “permanency” to “belonging”, and added the dimension of identity belonging after consultation with youth and young adults with experience in the child welfare system.
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