Welcome to My World is a podcast created by Louis, a member of the Representative’s Social Media Youth Team. Louis is a Métis youth with primarily high-functioning Autism-Asperger’s Syndrome, as well as other invisible disabilities. His podcast provides an authentic glimpse of life from the point of view of a person living with developmental disabilities – including his personal experiences and tips. New podcasts will be uploaded regularly. Stay tuned for more of Louis’s unique perspective!
Episode 16: Interview with the Rep part III – Bernard’s question for Louis
In this final episode of the series, Louis decides to turn the interview tables and let the Representative ask him a question.
Episode 15: Interview with the Rep part II – Communities
Today, Louis talks with Bernard about communities – both his experience of B.C. communities and the type of work the Rep does for people in Louis’s community, specifically for people with disabilities.
Episode 14: Interview with the Rep part I – Foodies
This episode is the first in a three-part series, in which Louis sits down with the Representative to get to know him a little better. Today, Louis and Bernard talk about a subject close to both of their hearts – and stomachs: food.
In this episode, Louis reflects on his own progress as a person with invisible disabilities – or “invis-abilities” as he prefers to call them – and on the importance of creating understanding about the experiences of people with invis-abilities.
Episode 12: Overcoming challenges
Today, Louis talks about a major challenge he faced in his life and his success in overcoming it.
Episode 11: Last days of summer
We’re nearing the end of the season, but the weather is still summery. Today, Louis talks about some of his challenges and tricks for handling hot and sunny days.
Episode 10: Health and exercise
How to stay balanced in life – it’s a challenge for everyone. Today, Louis talks about the importance of exercise in styaing balanced, especially when you have disabilities.
Episode 9: Shopping strategies
People who don’t have disabilities might not even think of it, but when you live with disabilities, going on a shopping trip requires some specific strategizing. Today, Louis talks about what works best for him when he ventures into stores or malls, and gives some tips that others with disabilities – or those close to people with disabilities – will be able to use.
Episode 8: Camping Time – Part 2
In the second of two parts, Louis continues his talk about camping and an upcoming camping trip.
Episode 7: Camping Time – Part 1
In the first of two parts, Louis talks about his love of camping and planning for a camping trip.
A difficult topc: on dealing with having to prove you’re disabled. Louis talks about the abuse of disability benefits by a few people, and how that makes it tougher for those who need them.
Episode 5: Dealing with Bad Days
How do you cope with a bad day? In this episode, Louis talks about his strategies for calming down when life gets to be too much.
Episode 4: National Aboriginal Day – about belonging
What does Métis look like? As we approach National Aboriginal Day, Louis shares his thoughts on fitting into the celebrations, no matter what you look like.
Dealing with government or large organizations is not always easy, especially when you have a disability. In this episode, Louis gives his tips on navigating the bureaucracy when you have disabilites.
“It’s a process almost like reading a book. That’s how I have to adjust.”
“When I initially thought English was my first language, I realized that it was actually my second language and that autism was my first language.”