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No Time to Wait: A review of MCFD’s child welfare workforce Pt.2

This report is the second and final report on a review of the workforce capacity of the Ministry of Children …

Too Many Left Behind: Ensuring Children and Youth with Disabilities Thrive

The Representative for Children and Youth has released an Issues Spotlight report renewing calls for immediate and urgent action including …

Annual Report 2023/24 and Service Plan 2024/25 to 2026/27

The Representative has released the Annual Report 2023/24 and Service Plan 2024/25 to 2026/27. This report includes details on the …

Representative for Children and Youth renews calls to provincial government to address gender-based violence made in recent ground-breaking report

Victoria, B.C. – The Representative for Children and Youth is renewing her call for the provincial government to prioritize an …


What does the Rep do?

The Rep and her staff work to make sure young adults who are eligible to access Community Living BC services …

What can I expect when I call the Rep? What can you offer me?

You will be connected to a youth and young adult advocate who will listen to your situation and your needs …

Do I have to talk to the Representative’s Office by myself? Can someone call for me?

You can have a family member, friend, support worker or someone else you trust with you when you call the …

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