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No Time to Wait: A review of MCFD’s child welfare workforce – Part One

This report is Part One of a two-part report on the workforce capacity of the Ministry of Children and Family …

Don’t Look Away – How one boy’s story has the power to shift a system of care for children and youth

The Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) is calling for a collective commitment to “stop tinkering at the edges of …

Reflecting Back, Propelling Forward: A Report on the Child & Youth Family Justice Conference

Access to Justice BC co-hosted the Child & Youth Family Justice Conference on September 23, 2023, along with the Representative …

Representative for Children and Youth says much more needs to be done to ensure young people in care do not continue to go missing

In acknowledgement of International Missing Children’s Day, May 25th, B.C.’s Representative for Children and youth is calling on “the diverse …


What does the Rep do?

The Rep and her staff work to make sure young adults who are eligible to access Community Living BC services …

What can I expect when I call the Rep? What can you offer me?

You will be connected to a youth and young adult advocate who will listen to your situation and your needs …

Do I have to talk to the Representative’s Office by myself? Can someone call for me?

You can have a family member, friend, support worker or someone else you trust with you when you call the …

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